organized by
A.M.J. (les Amis de la Musique Juive) are open to
Members benefit of a discount price.
Up to now
A.M.J. has already
organised the following events and many more are under way:
- AL-ANDALÛS from Maghreb and its communities - video
sunday 1st december 2024 - Alhambra Geneva
- ASSAFIR & Guests from Greece and its communities - video
sunday 3rd november 2024 - Aula of De Staël college - Carouge
- Fête de la Musique 2024 - video
open air programmation - scène Terrasse Agrippa - Geneva
- Noga Lev - Songs that light the night - video
sunday 5 may 2024 - Point.Favre Chêne-Bougeries
- Yamma ensemble
- ...encounters in Orient - video
sunday 14 april 2024 - Alhambra Geneva
- Kommuna Lux - Klezmer Music from Ukraina - video
sunday 10 march 2024 - Alhambra Geneva
- Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra - Encounters in Europe - video
sunday 15 october 2023 - Alhambra Geneva
- Fête de la Musique 2023 - video
open air programmation - scène du Pin - Geneva
- Kolorbach ...reconciliation between the west and the middle-east through music - video
sunday 30 april - Salle Robert Dunand, 1227 Carouge
- Memorias de Sefarad ...sefardi cantigas and romances - video
sunday 26 March 2023 - Salle du Manège - Geneva
- Music in Times of Tragedy - lecture and concert for the International Holocauste Remembrance Day - video
Thursday 26 january 2023 - Beit GIL - Genève
- Budapest Klezmer Band ...a musical genre full of verve - video
Sunday 20 November 2022 - Alhambra - Geneva
- Fête de la Musique 2022 - video
open air programmation - scène du Pin - Geneva
- Dafne Kritharas & Paul Barreyre ...songs from the mediterranean sea - video
Sunday 8th May 2022 - Beit GIL - Genève
- El-Baze & Guy Mintus ...between jazz and orient... a breathtaking duo - video
Sunday 20 March 2022 - Moulin à Poivre - Geneva
- Me La Amargates Tù ...sefardic romances and cantigas - video
with Esteban Manzano, Doret Florentin, Tulio Rondon, Sarah Ridy, Juan Martinez
Saturday November 13th 2021 - Beit GIL
- Fête de la Musique 2021 :
3 slots - 3 places - 3 dates Geneva
- PROFETI DELLA QUINTA ...Kinat David - video
Premiere in Europe, with Doron Schleifer, David Feldman, Lior Leibovici, Jacob Lawrence, Elam Rotem, and musicians
Sunday May 2nd 2021 - Les Salons Theater - Geneva
- LEKHA DODI ...a journey at the heart of the jewish spirituality - European Days of Jewish Culture - video
Concert (creation) - musics and songs around one of the famous liturgical jewish poem,
with klezmer ensemble Hotegezugt, string quartet from Orchestre de Lancy-Genève,
Narciso Saul (guitar), Vincent Thévenaz (organ) and the cantors of the CIG Synagogues.
Introductions by Dr Izhak Dayan, Great Rabbi from CIG, and Michel Borzykowski, musician and coordinator.
6 september 2020 - Synagogue Beit Yaakov - Genève
- PETIT MISH-MASH & co ...yiddish music and dances - video
with Marine Goldwaser, clarinet and flutes - Adrian Iordan, accordion - Mihai Trestian, cymbalum -
Zacharie Abraham, double bass - Mariam Gayard, dance master
August 30th 2020 - dance workshop from 10am to 1pm - Concert-Bal at 6pm - Villa Dutoit
- MODUS QUARTET ...jazz transcontinental
H.-D.Apartian, voice - P.Stickney, harp - L.Beyeler, doublebass - O.Hason - percussions and hang
December 1st 2019 - Théâtre Cité-Bleue
- KRAMIM ENSEMBLE - European Jewish Culture Day - video
songs from sefaradic and yiddish repetoires
September 1st 2019 - Synagogue Beit Yaakov - Geneva
- Fête de la Musique 2019 : open air programmation - scène du Pin - Geneva
- CONFLUENCES ...on the ways to Jerusalem ...two concerts of anciant music
- Iter Hierosolymitanum with Lucidarium ensemble - april 14th
- Juifs et Trouvères with Alla Francesca ensemble - may 12th
- KEREN ESTHER TRIO ...Tango Ladino ...memories of exiles
with Keren Esther, chant - Gaëlle Poirier, bandoneon - Narciso Saúl, guitar
March 24th 2019 - Théâtre Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- SVETA KUNDISH & PATRICK FARRELL ...yiddish songs of a family
with Sveta Kundish, voice and guitar - Patrick Farrel, voice and accordion
18 november 2018 - Théâtre Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- YIDDISH BLUES, storytelling and music - European Day of Jewish Culture
with Muriel Bloch and Hotegezugt
2 september 2018 - Synagogue Beit Yaakov - Geneva
- Fête de la Musique 2018 : open air programmation - Geneva
- ELLIS ISLAND texts of Georges Perec with musical accompaniment
with Nelly Uzan, Eduardo Kohan, Malachi Kohan
22 april 2018 - Théâtre Cité-Bleue - Geneva - ME LA AMARGATES TÙ , Beads of the sefaradic baroque
with Doret Florentin, Esteban Manzano, Tulio Rondon, Juan Martinez, Sarah Ridy
25 february 2018 - Théâtre Cité-Bleue - Geneva - YERUSHE...heritage ...treasures of yiddish archives
with Eleonore Biezunski, Michel Schick, Piotr Odrekhivskyy, Stephen Harrison,
Michel Taïeb
26 november 2017 - Théâtre Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- Fête de la Musique 2017 : programm on sunday only - scène du Pin
25 june 2017 from 11AM to 9PM - Promenade du Pin - Geneva - YAMMA ensemble ...between Orient and Occident
with Talya G.A. Solan, Yonnie Dror, Aviv Bahar, Nur Bar Goren, Avri Borochov
14 may 2017 - Théâtre Cité-Bleue - Geneva - EFIM CHORNY ensemble : "Songs from the Yankev Ber Gimpel yiddish theater"
with Sasha Somish, Efim Chorny, Susan Ghergus, Vanessa Vromans
2 april 2017 - Théâtre Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- Ketty Leibovitch... from St-Petersbourg to Geneva
27 november 2016 - salle de la Bourse - Geneva
- Me La Amargates Tú : "Music as support for language",
concert of judeo-spanish music, partnership with CIG in the frame of the European Jewish Culture Day,
4 september 2016 - Synagogue Beth-Yaacov - Geneva - Fête de la Musique 2016 : programm on saturday only - scene of Beaulieu Park
18th june 2016 from 1PM to 1AM - Beaulieu Cèdre - Geneva
- Douce France... compositeurs en exil : two concerts-lectures
around Norbert GLANZBERG, Paul ARMA and Joseph KOSMA - with Jacques TCHAMKERTEN lecturer
22nd may 2016 - Théâtre de la Cité-Bleue - Geneva
works of Paul CELAN brought to music - with Michael JAKOB lecturer
29th may 2016 - Théâtre de la Cité-Bleue - Genève
- Elisaveta Blumina : exceptionnal piano concert in memory of "our" Judith
compositions of Sergei Prokofiev, Grigori Frid, George Gershwin and Mieczysław Weinberg
7 february 2016 - GIL community center - 43 route de Chêne - Geneva
- kalé'YIDDISH'scope... the facets of a colourful culture
"Kol-Ishe trio 100% female" : yiddish songs and klezmer music
Svetlana Kundish (voice and guitar) - Vanessa Vromans (voice and violin) - Sanne Möricke (voice and accordion)
29 november 2015 - Théâtre de la Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- kalé'YIDDISH'scope... the facets of a colourful culture
"Vérités jamais sûres" : yiddish poetry and klezmer music
Nelly Uzan (actress) - Michel Borzykowski (saxophones) - Reb Yoyvl (accordion)
22 november 2015 - Théâtre de la Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- kalé'YIDDISH'scope... the facets of a colourful culture
"Le Bonheur Juif" : cine concert klezmer
Marine Goldwaser (clarinet) - Charles Rappoport (violin) - David Lefebvre (cymbalum) - Jean-Gabriel Davis (piano)
15 november 2015 - Théâtre de la Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- European Day for Jewish Culture - Geneva
BUILDING BRIDGES, partnership with Communauté Israélite de Genève
invitation of "MusiCalliGraphy" project
6 september 2015 - Beit-Yaacov synagogue - Geneva
- Music Festival 2015 - 20 and 21 june
from noon to midnight on the Aggripa Terrace
- Lecture of Mrs Ljuba Jurgenson "Écritures juives de langue russe : fiction et histoire"
in partnership with Martin Buber Circle, dedicated to Judith Markish z'l
- Tribute Concert : in honor of composers and musicians victims of nazism, for the 70 years of the camps freedom,
Tchamkerten - lecturer ; Ron Appel - baryton ; Francois Payet-Labonne -
violon ; Jean-Jacques Balet et Mayumi Kameda - piano.
Mr. Francesco Lottoro founded the Istituto di Letteratura Musicale Concentrazionaria (Barletta, Italy) he is author-editor of the Discographic encyclopedia KZ MUSIK (24 CD) and of the Thesaurus Musicae Concentrationariae.
10 May 2015 at 5PM - Maison du GIL - 43 route de Chêne - Geneva
- Voices from the Desert : oriental songs and prayers meets jazz
with Einat Betzalel (voice) - Hakim Boukhit (guitar) - Nicolas Gerber (piano) - Dominic Frey (batterie)
8 March 2015 at 6PM - Théâtre de la Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- The Man's Voice - music from european synagogues
Early music vocal ensemble "Profeti della Quinta"
Salomone Rossi's "Ha'shirim asher li'Shlomo" (c. 1570-c.1630) and
newly composed settings to texts from the "Song of Songs" by Elam Rotem
30 november 2014 - "Les Salons" theater - Geneva
- The Man's Voice - music from european synagogues
cantors László Fekete, Gergely Nógrádi, Immánuel Zucker with the male choir of the Great Synagogue of Budapest.
16 november 2014 - Conservatoire Place-Neuve - Geneva
- European Day for Jewish Culture - Geneva
JEWISH WOMEN partnership with Communauté Israélite de Genève
invitation of Léa Lando in her one woman show "Elle Tue" (french spoken)
14 september 2014 - Théâtre Les Salons - Geneva
- Geneva Music Festival
21-22 juin 2014, music from noon to midnight
- Joel Rubin and his musicians, "Midnight Prayer", jewish music of Russia
Joel Rubin - clarinet
Mark Kovnatskiy - violin
Jacomucci - accordion
Csaba Novák - contrebass
Kálmán Balogh - cymbalum
15 june 2014, Théâtre Cité-Bleue - Genève
- SHPILKES : "la complainte du balluchon" - concert cabaret
Eléonore Biezunski - voix, violin
Charles Rappoport - violin, mandoline, piano
Hervé Bouchardy - clarinet
Piotr Odrekhivsky - accordion
Sylvain Plommet - contrebasse
1st june 2014, Théâtre Cité-Bleue - 1206 Genève
- Sandra Bessis new programm "Cordoba, on the tracks of Sefarad"
Sandra Bessis - voice, percussion,
Rachid Brahim-Djelloul - violin, voice,
Noureddine Aliane - oud, mandola,
Dahmane Khalfa - percussions
Jasko Ramic - accordion
23 march 2014, Théâtre Cité-Bleue - 1206 Geneva
Le chat du rabbin : theatrical adaptation
2 small concerts "events" in collaboration with Alchimic theater
6 march 2014 at 8:30PM : klezmer music with ensemble Hotegezugt - video
13 march 2014 at 8:30PM : judeo-spanish songs with Keren Esther, Paco Chambi and Sylvain Fournier - video
- Tribute to Jean Halpérin in collaboration with the "Cercle Martin Buber" and the Communauté Israélite de Genève
with trio Eleonore (Anat Kolodny : clarinet / Mi-Kyung Friedli : cello / Ivani Venturieri : piano) programm
February 9th 2014 at 5PM, Athénée 4
- Off the beaten paths... three unexpected concerts
Profeti della Quinta : Joseph and his Brethren
Biblical musical drama in 3 acts, composed by Elam Rotem,
24 november 2013, Conservatoire de Genève - Place Neuve
Trio Tzaneva/Todorova/Kuperschmidt
works of Darius Milhaud, Srul Irving Glick, Paul Schoenfield
10 november 2013, CPMDT Studio De Agostini - François d'Ivernois street - Genève
Trio Blumina/Ostrovsky/Rasul-Kareyev
works of Hans Gál,
Mark Kopytman, Mieczyslaw Weinberg
6 octobre 2013, CPMDT Studio De Agostini - François d'Ivernois street - Genève
- Music Festival in Geneva old city
22 and 23 june 2013
Terrasse A.d'Aubigné, from noon to midnight
VIDEO 22.06.13 VIDEO 23.06.13
- Oriental breeze : Kol Kedem ensemble & Talya G.Solan
Omri Hason, Antonello Messina & Talya G.Solan
26 mai 2013 Cité-Bleue Theater
music of orient and Israël
- Mentsh ensemble : To tantz or not to tantz
28 avril 2013 Théâtre Cité-Bleue
concert presentation of their new CD
- Soul's Song...dialogue with the sky
Bianca Favez, violin - Vincent Thévenaz, organ
17 mars 2013, Conservatoire de Genève - Place Neuve
- Kol Isha - Women Voice
three concerts at the female plural
25 novembre 2012 : Myriam's sisters, classical and israeli programm
with Company Joy of Music and the CPM-Genève children choir, dir. Magali Dami
11 november 2012 : songs of the sefardic communities
with Rosa Zaragoza and her musicians
4 november 2012 : yiddish songs og ashkenaz communities
with Shura Lipovski and her musicians
- Fête de la Musique
stage on the Agrippas
d'Aubigné terrasse
in collaboration with the Ville de Genève
continued musical programmation... and dance floor
saturday 23 and sunday 24 june
VIDEO-23june2012 VIDEO-24june2012
music and songs from the ancient Jewish communities of Provence
sunday 25 march 2012 at 6PM - théâtre de la Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- KHUMESH LIDER - yiddish songs and poetry
yiddish theater around Itzik Manger with Raphael Goldwaser
sunday 26 february 2012 at 5PM - théâtre de la Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- A journey in Yiddishland :
sunday 27 november at 6PM - Conservatoire de Musique, Place Neuve - Genève
an original repertoire : Norbert Glanzberg, Julius Wolfsohn, Erwin
Schulhoff, Lev Kogan,
played by Ensemble Variante : Julie Fortier : piano -
Christoph Sturzenegger : piano, cor - Natalya
Neykova-Vincent : flûte - commentaries by Judith Markish
- A journey in Yiddishland :
sunday 13 november at 5 PM - théâtre de la Cité-Bleue - Genève
Efim Chorny & Susan Ghergus (Kishinev, Moldavie) with Georg Brinkmann, clarinet - Vanessa Vromans, violin
- A journey in Yiddishland :
FROM THE GHETTO TO THE MILONGA - Yiddish Musics from Argentina
sunday 25 september at 6 PM - salle des Abeilles - Genève
Eduardo Kohan : saxophones - Jean Ferrarini : piano - Nicolas Enrich : bandoneon
- Fête de la Musique
stage on the Agrippas
d'Aubigné terrasse
in collaboration with the Ville de Genève
continued musical programmation... and dance floor
saturday 18 and sunday 19 june
IMAGES 18-19.06.10 VIDEO1 VIDEO0619_1 VIDEO0619_2 VIDEO0619_3 VIDEO0619_4 VIDEO0619_5
- STEMPENYU'S NESHOME with Steven Greenman
sunday 13 march at 7PM - salle de l'Alhambra - Genève
original klezmer music
- In Memoriam - HAÏM à la lumière d'un violon
with the Cie C(h)aractères of Paris - presentation
sunday 6 february at 5PM - salle de la Cité-Bleue - Genève
musical-theatrical show after the life of Haïm Lipsky, survivor of the concentration hell
- In Memoriam - musiques assassinées, a project by Mrs. Rachel Székely
with many genevian musicians and Mrs. Magali Dami director of the CPM masterchoir
sunday 21 november at 5PM - salle des Abeilles - Genève
concert in memory of the musicians victims in the Shoah
- Yiddish Dances at St-George
with the Klezpedz orchestra and Michel Borzykowski
sunday 14 november from 2PM to 7PM
- In Memoriam - mélodies exilées, a project by Mrs Rachel Székely
with the company Joy of music, Paul Hess - piano, Richard Cole - musicologist
sunday november 7th at 5PM - salle des Abeilles - Genève
lecture-concert in memory of the musicans forced to exile
- In Memoriam - Tansman et les autres...
with the musical ensemble Blumina from Berlin, trio oboe, bassoon, piano
sunday 10 october at 5PM - salle de la Bourse - Genève
compositions of Tansman, Vaynberg, Previn
- Trio Eleonore : concert-presentation of the new CD
Glinka - Farrenc - Stutschewsky - Rota - Piazzolla
sunday 3 october 2010 - 5PM
- Fête de la Musique
stage and stall on the Agrippas
d'Aubigné terrasse
in collaboration with the Ville de Genève
continued musical programmation... and delicatessen
partnership with "Encre Fraîche"
friday 18th
saturday 19 and sunday 20 june
2010 from noon to midnight
sefardic songs of the Balkans
sunday 25 april 2010 - 6PM
- PRINTEMPS SEFARADE : Yasmin Levy - Sentir
sefardic songs and flamenco
sunday 18 april 2010 - 6PM
- PRINTEMPS SEFARADE : Palavrikas de Amor
musics and songs from sefarad and the orient
sunday 14 march 2010 - 6PM
- PRINTEMPS SEFARADE : Ensemble Naguila with Sandra Bessis
sefardic songs and musics of the Maghreb ...from Granada to Istanbul
sunday 7 march 2010 at 6PM
- Kol ha'Neshama : Me La Amargates Tu
Me La Amargates Tu - songs from the sefardic communities
sunday 29 november 2009 at 5PM
- Kol ha'Neshama : Ayn Neue Lid
Lucidarium - when yiddish was young
sunday 22 november 2009 at 5PM
- Kol ha'Neshama : Khagiga Yehudit
Le Tendre Amour - music for feasts and celebrations
sunday 15 november 2009 at 5PM
- Support to the Klezmer Workshop "MusiJeunes"
with the musical ensemble Hotegezugt
saturday 7 and sunday 8 november
centre paroissial St.-François at Chêne-Bourg - Geneva
- Fête
de la Musique
stage and stall on the Agrippas
d'Aubigné terrasse
in collaboration with the Ville de Genève
continued musical programmation... and delicatessen
partnership with "Encre Fraîche"
friday 19th
saturday 20 and sunday 21 june
2009 from noon to midnight
- Le Temps de Chanter... au centre de l'Europe
Liturgical music from Hungary with khazanim Laslo Fekete, Emil Toth and the Goldmark choir (Budapest)
sunday 29 march 2009 at 5PM
- Le Temps de Chanter... du Nord au Sud
Liturgical music from Europe and North Africa with khazan Jacob Toledano (Geneva)
sunday 15 march 2009 at 5PM
- Le Temps de Chanter... de l'Orient à l'Occident
Liturgical music from sefaradim with khazanim Daniel Halfon and Moshe Khabusha (Jerusalem)
sunday 8 march 2009 at 5PM
- KHUPE : duo
klezmer de Berlin
Sanne Möricke :
accordéon - Christian Dawid : clarinettes
dimanche 2 novembre 2008
à 17h
- EL-BAZE sings
the Mediterranea
with her
surprising quintett
sefaradic songs in a jazzy et atmosphere
sunday 21 september 2008 at 5 PM
- Fête
de la Musique
stage and stall on the Agrippas
d'Aubigné terrasse
in collaboration with the Ville de Genève
continued musical programmation... and delicatessen
saturday 21 & sunday 22
june 2008 from noon to midnight
- The Sound
& Light Cinematic-Duo
evening with Merlin and Polina Shepherd who
accompany (clarinet + piano) a rare selection of silent russian films
from the beginning of the century
Aula des
Colombières - Versoix
sunday 8 june 2008 at 5:30PM
- Tribute
to Mieczyslaw WEINBERG
AMJ's russian cycle - 5th concert : tribute
to Mieczyslaw Weinberg
Elisaveta Blumina
- piano, Emil Rovner - cello and voice
works from Bloch, Weinberg, Ravel
Salle Robert Dunand
- 9 rue du Marché - Carouge
sunday 16 march 2008 at
lecture of Lloica Czackis at
followed by the concert of the "Tangele"
ensemble, featuring :
Lloica Czackis - voice, Juan Lucas Aisemberg - violin, Ivo De Greef -
Salle de la
Cité-Bleue - 46 av. de Miremont - Genève
sunday 24 february 2008 at 5PM
- Jerusalem
Musical Trio
klezmer music "made in Israel"
Conservatoire de
Musique - Place Neuve
sunday 4 november
2007 at 5P
- La Istoria De
Purim by the ensemble Lucidarium
music and poetry of the Jews
during the Renaissance in Italy
salle de Saint-Gervais,
sunday 7 october 2007 at 5PM
presentation of the brand new CD with musical examples
works of Stutschewski, Bruch, Juon -
Conservatoire de Musique - Place Neuve
sunday 30 september 2007 at 5PM
- Geneva Music Festival 2007,
stall and stage, live music programme, June 2007 - GENEVA
- "Yiddish
Dances Workshop",
direction : Mr. Steve Weintraub,
musical accompagnement of the ensemble "Mentsh" : Samuel Maquin
(clarinet) and Alexis Kune (accordion)
Centre de Musique - Grand-Lancy
saturday 24 and sunday 25 march 2007
- "Shabes
Blues, fragments of memory", and the jewsih composers of
NIGUNIM Festival 10 years of AMJ
creation from Yves Cerf, world
Gilles Landini, Vincent Baroni, Yves Cerf, Michel Borzykowski &
the Brass Ensemble of Neuchâtel
Conservatoire de Musique - Geneva
sunday 3 december 2006 at 5PM
- "Chamber
Music": jewish composers and
NIGUNIM Festival 10 years of AMJ
with the sextuor
: Gábor Barta - Anne Chollet - Thomas Friedli - Mi-Kyung Kim
- Paul Urstein - Andrea Zardini,
works from Alexander Krein, Mikhail-Fabianovitch Gnessin, Serge
Prokofiev, Krzysztof Penderecki.
Conservatoire de Musique - Geneva
sunday 26 november 2006 at 5PM
- "Klezmer
NIGUNIM Festival 10 years of AMJ
with three
"Kapelye" to cross the night
Yankele (France), Mentsh (France), Hotegezugt (Geneva)
Salle Ernest Ansermet - Geneva
saturday 25 november 2006 starts at 8PM
- "Songs of the
Jewish People"
NIGUNIM Festival 10 years of AMJ
by Sylvie
Sivann and her musicians (France)
Salle Frank-Martin - Geneva
sunday 19 november 2006 at 5PM
- "Klezmer Madness"
NIGUNIM Festival 10 years of AMJ
by David
Krakauer Klezmer Madness, special guest : DJ SoCalled (USA, Canada)
Salle Frank-Martin - Geneva
saturday 18 november 2006 at 8PM
- "Jewish stories"
NIGUNIM Festival 10 years of AMJ
"Zlateh the goat" (I.B. Singer) by Rose Bacot (story telling
and clarinet)
"Otto, autobiographie
d'un ours en peluche" (Tomi Ungerer)
by Compagnie
deux temps trois mouvements
Salle Robert Dunand - Carouge
sunday 12 november 2006 at 5PM
- "Three cultures concert"
NIGUNIM Festival 10 years of AMJ
by the
Tohu ve'Bohu music ensemble
Salle Ernest Ansermet - Geneva
saturday 11 november 2006 at 8PM
- "Sefaradic
tradition and liturgy"
NIGUNIM Festival 10 years of AMJ
tradition" and liturgy :
by cantor Alberto Mizrahi, Gerard Edery and his musical
Salle du
Conservatoire de Musique - Geneva
sunday 5 november 2006 at 5PM
- Geneva Music Festival
2006 :
stall and stage, live music
programme, June 2005 - GENEVA
- "The Sound & Light
Cinematic Duo"
Ciné-concert evening with Merlin and Polina
Shepherd who
accompany a rare selection of silent films from Ukraine and Russia
may 21st 2006 at 6 PM - VERSOIX
IMAGES 21.05.06
- "Klezmer,
the long journey of a jewish music"
lecture (french) with musical examples by M. Michel
vice-president of AMJ association
december 7th 2005 at 8 PM - Records library of Vieusseux - GENEVA
- Concert
Cesar Lerner & Marcelo Moguilevski ensemble,
special guests from Argentina
december 4th 2005 at 5 PM - Alhambra - GENEVA
IMAGES 04.12.05
- Concert
HOTEGEZUGT with special guest
Hélène ENGEL
yiddish songs and klezmer music between tradition and
november 6th 2005 at 5 PM - Cité Bleue - GENEVA
IMAGES 06.11.05
- Duet
piano-cello : ...Like A Dew...
September 18th 2005 at 6 PM - Centre Musical Robert Dunand - CAROUGE
IMAGES 18.09.05
- Geneva Music Festival
2005 :
stall and stage, live music
programme, June 2005 - GENEVA
IMAGES 17.06.05 - IMAGES 18.06.05 - IMAGES 19.06.05
- ENTRE DEUX RIVES... (Between two shores) :
songs and music of the judeo-spanish tradition :
May 8th 2005 - Salle de la Cité-Bleue - GENEVA
IMAGES 08.05.05
- YIZKOR : compositions
of Ben Haim, Schulhoff, Amzallag and Prokofiev :
duo Elisaveta Blumina, piano -
Moshe A. Epstein, flute
April 10th 2005 - Centre Musical Robert Dunand - CAROUGE
IMAGES 10.04.05
- ELEONORE : A pluricultural trio... for an
original and creative repertoire
for health reasons Mrs Kolodny has been replaced by Mr. Friedli
march 6th 2005 - Centre Musical Robert Dunand - CAROUGE
IMAGES 06.03.05
- IMAGO : Improvisations on oriental
colours shade off...
february 20th 2005 at 5PM - Salle de la Cité-Bleue - GENEVA
IMAGES 20.02.05
- Marc Amouyal Ensemble
: Music and songs of
sefaradic tradition
30 janvier 2005 - Salle de la Cité-Bleue - GENEVA
IMAGES 30.01.05
- KLEJ'ZEMA : klezmer music concert
traditionnal music and dances of the central european jewish
5 décembre 2004, Salle de la Cité-Bleue - GENEVA
IMAGES 05.12.04
- "Caprice
hébraïque" duo Alexander Oratovski, cello
- Irina Kossenko, piano
4th concert of AMJ's Russian Serie
November 21 2004 at 5PM- Centre Musical Robert Dunand - CAROUGE
IMAGES 21.11.04
JAZZ : with Omri Hason quartet
Jazz concert discovering oriental tradition.
31 october 2004, Salle de la Cité-Bleue, 46 avenue de
Miremont - GENEVA
IMAGES 31.10.04
- Chamber
Music Concert : (supported by AMJ)
benefit to Beit Kham association dir. M. Cohen-Solal
(integration of young palestinians and israelis through artistic
Sébastien RISLER, piano - Dan DERY, violin
3 october 2004 at 5PM - CIG 10 rue Saint-Léger - GENEVA
- Geneva Music Festival
2004 : stall and stage, live music
programme, June 2004 - GENEVA
IMAGES 18.06.04 - IMAGES 19.06.04 - IMAGES 20.06.04
- Concert Julia Weissmann
- violin / Boris Gurevich - piano
3rd concert of AMJ's Russian Serie
works of Dmitri Shostakovich, Alfred Schnittke et Moshe Vainberg
May 16th 2004 at 5PM, Centre Musical Robert
Dunand, 9 rue du Marché - CAROUGE
- Piano concert by Marija
works of G. Ligeti, A. Schönfeld, A. Rubinstein,
P. Ben-Haim, G. Gershwin
April 25th 2004 at 5PM, Centre Musical Robert
Dunand, 9 rue du Marché - CAROUGE
IMAGES 25.04.04
- Concert Yoel CANTORI - cello /
Simon PEGUIRON - piano
works of L. Boccherini, A. Schnittke, N. Sheriff, D.
April 4th 2004 at 5PM, Centre Musical Robert
Dunand, 9 rue du Marché - CAROUGE
- "Accross Boundaries"
2nd concert of AMJ's Russian Serie
Piano concert and lecture by Jascha NEMTSOV about the "New Jewish
School of Music in Russia"
works of A. Krejn, A.Lourié, J.Stutschewsky, A. Weprik, J.
March 14th 2004 at 5PM, Salle des Abeilles, 2
rue de l'Athénée - GENEVA
IMAGES 14.03.04
- Witness from Warsaw
"Thoughts upon the tradition and the culture of eastern
jews" : chat with Mr. Henri WERMUS
March 3rd 2004 at 7:45PM,
Librairie-Café "Chez Francis" 98 rue de Carouge - GENEVA
- Duo Zawodnik - Tzaneva
Concert of chamber music with an outstanding repertoire
Béatrice ZAWODNIK : oboe and piano - Meglena TZANEVA : piano
February 22nd 2004 1t 5PM, Centre Musical Robert
IMAGES 22.02.04
- Baith Jaffe Klezmer
Exception Concert for the 10th
birthday of the musical ensemble
February 1st 2004 at 5PM, Cité-Bleue,
IMAGES 01.02.04
- Tohu
Inter-cultural concert : Renaissance
ensemble, Nomades ensemble, Hotegeklezt
January 25th 2004, "Le Galpon" theatre, boulevard Saint-Georges -
IMAGES 25.01.04
- Workshop of Yiddish
Leader : Khayele
January 18th 2004 from 10AM to 5:30PM
Centre Musical du Grand-Lancy - Geneva
IMAGES 18.01.04
Music from origins to nowadays
Lecture by Michel BORZYKOWSKI
with musical examples
on december 2nd 2003, collaboration with Art-Club
Room on upper floor of the "Brasserie Victoria", Geneva
- Yiddish Songs, Music of
Love and Joy : by Deborah STRAUSS and Jeff
November 30th 2003, Salle de la Cité
Bleue - Geneva
IMAGES 30.11.03
- The Cinnamon and the
Caraway : Wander songs of the yiddish
and sefardic traditions by :
Hélène ENGEL, Jacques GROBER, Pierre Benichou and
Misha Nisimov
Sunday October 26th 2003,
Théâtre Pitoëff - Geneva
IMAGES 26.10.03
- Music Festival 2003 stall and stage, live music
programme, June 2003
IMAGES 20.06.03
- KHEVRISA : Under the
Canopy of Heaven... a Traditionnal Jewish Wedding
Klezmer music concert, presenting a jewish wedding in the 19th
Sunday June 8th 2003 at 8PM - Salle de la
Cité-Bleue - Geneva
- Yiddish Dances workshop with Mrs. Khayele
Sunday May 25th 2003 - Salle de ballet de l'ERA
- Geneva
- Hommage to Darius
Milhaud by the "Quintette à
vent de Geneva"
Sunday May 18th 2003 - Centre Musical Robert
Dunand - Carouge
- Two Lectures given by
Mr. Frans C. Lemaire,
musicologist, author of the book:
"Le destin juif et la musique, 3000 ans d'histoire" (Fayard 2001)
May 4th 2003 at 5 PM - Geneva Music
Conservatory, room 20 - Place neuve
May 11th 2003 at 5 PM - Geneva Music
Conservatory, room 20 - Place neuve
Rachel FEHR (piano) & Martin MÜLLER-WEIFFENBACH (cello)
Centre Musical Robert Dunand - Carouge - Sunday March 9th
- "Songs and Music from
the Spain of three Faiths"
Gerard EDERY (voice and guitar) & George MGRDICHIAN (oud)
Cité Bleue - Geneva - Sunday March 2nd
IMAGES 02.03.03
- Trio ATHENA :
Anat Kolodny (clarinet); Mi-Kyung Kim (cello); Kiyoko Ichishima (piano)
compositions by Y. Engel, A. von Zemlinsky and F. Mendelssohn
Centre Musical Robert Dunand - Carouge - January 26th
- Jewish
composers of the 20th century with Marija
MRKIC-AUPY november 17th 2002
- Mikhaïl
Fabianovitch GNESSIN : Concert Between Times
1st concert of AMJ's Russian Serie
Conservatoire de Musique de Geneva - Sunday November 3rd
2002 at 5PM
IMAGES 03.11.02
- AMOUR-EXIL : Sefardic songs and musics
Centre Musical ERA - Sunday October 6th 2002 at
- Music Festival 2002 stall and stage, live music
programme, June 2002
- "Geboyren
in a seyden hemdl"
Concert against forgotten, yiddish songs by Nizza THOBI
Cité-Bleue, Champel - Geneva - Tuesday May 28th 2002 at 8PM
- Lecture of professor
Ytzhak Niborski - Paris :
"Le Yiddish: véhicule d'une
culture ancienne mais vivanteá"
Uni Dufour Geneva - monday march 5th 2002 (CD available)
- YANKELE : Exceptionnal klezmer quintet
from Paris
- TRIO KOLODNY : Max Bruch et Joachim
- TALILA : A lidl fun'm
shtetl final concert of the "Fureur de
Lire" litterature week, september 2001
- Music Festival 2001 stall and stage, live music
programme, June 2001 (atmosphere 1 et 2)
- The Psalms, a jewish
and christian tradition choral concert with three
choirs, march 2001
- The Two Souls of
Salomone Rossi judéo-baroque
concert, july 2000
- Music Festival 2000 stall and stage, live music
programme, June 2000
- Katia
Larvego and Christian Deloraine : Songs
of the Hebrews april 2000
- Concluding
concert of the " Fureur de Lire ": Salomon
Klezmer in swing october 1999
- Music Festival 1999 stall and
stage, live music programme, June 1999
- Klezmer-workshop 1999, from 27 janvier, every second
Wednesday evening.
- Klezmer music week-end for the "Voices of the World"
programme, Le Galpon Theatre, Geneva, November 1998
- Music Festival 1998 in Geneva, stall and stage,
live music programme, June 1998
- In relation
with an exhibition of sculptures by Peter Diener,
Concert of music composed at the Terezin concentration camp
and poetry readings, Encore Trio, June 16 to 27, 1998, Espace
Très Classic, Geneva
- Klezmer
music workshop with Salomon
Klezmorim, May 3rd, 1998
- Festival of Jewish
Traditional Music, 2nd to 5th May, 1998
- Lyric concert, works by Milhaud and Mahler,
following the General Assembly of the association, November 30, 1997
- Participation
in the Music Festival 1997 in Geneva, stall and stage with
a live music programme (in collaboration with the city of Geneva books
and records libraries), June 1997
- "Musical"
cocktail party, enabling the members of the association to
meet, May 1997
- Concert of Jewish
classical and liturgical music (Ashkenazi and
Sephardic), January 1997
- Lecture
on the history of Jewish music with live music examples by Mr
Henri Milstein, musicologist, September 1996
- Three
concerts given by the Dutch duo Salomon Klezmorim,
July 1996
other LINKS ?
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